The Annual General Meeting and Supper
25th October 2016
Approximately sixty members of the Aldersgate Ward Club attended the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 25th October 2016 at the City University Club in Cornhill. The outgoing Master The Rev'd Dr Martin Dudley CC reviewed and expressed his pleasure at his year in office before transferring the Badge of Office to the incoming Master Mrs Sally Gill. At the end of the formal part of the meeting Sally outlined her programme for the year which was received warmly by members.
After many years of commitment to the Club the Honorary Secretary notified Past Masters and Committee some time ago of her intention not to continue in this role The Master expressed her thanks to the Hon Secretary and presented a gift in the form of vouchers from Past Masters and Committee in appreciation of all that she had done for the Club.
The bar was then open before Members moved to the dining room. The customary raffle was held for which there had been many generous donations from club members. The raffle raised £300 which will be put towards the Club's donation for the Lord Mayor's Charity, normally presented at the Civic Lunch. Thanks are offered to Ron Wood and Jon Scott Francis for selling so many raffle tickets and for conducting the draw in such an enjoyable manner.
Jan Yerbury
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