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Annual Civic luncheon

The Master invites Members and Guests to attend the Aldersgate Annual Civic luncheon

on Friday 4th January 2019

This is the highlight of our Ward calendar and the pinnacle of the Master’s year of social events. I managed to persuade 8 other members of my family to make up a party. In truth it was not that difficult because I paid for them, albeit I said this was their Christmas and birthday present for years to come!! Chris and Wyn used to live with us in the village of Pyrford, Woking and as our respective children were friends we all enjoyed a reunion

We were very fortunate to have the Lord Mayor as our honoured guest. It is no longer a given for the Lord Mayor to attend Ward Club lunches. Bearing I mind that the average number of his daily engagements is 6, he and the Lady Mayoress even came early and treated us to their very friendly, relaxed and chatty style.

The meal was superb and the complementing wines were an excellent choice. The waiters were very attentive and soon sorted out the problem of my spilling water over my wife and her starter. My party were over the moon and said they had never had a better lunch.  My wife concurred and she is likely to be more honest than my other paid for guests

I have to say I was initially disappointed to be told that our usual round tables were not to be used to ensure that on arrival there was more circulating space for the large number attending. Being hard of hearing I now have to confess that the long slim tables were excellent. We were almost bum to bum!! There was the advantage of both hearing, meeting, and talking to both opposite and adjacent strangers. Same again for next year please.

Our Master welcomed all the guests and presented the 691st Lord Mayor, Alderman Peter Estlin, with a cheque from AWC for £550 towards the 3 charities he is supporting - Place 2 Be, On Side Youth Zones, and Samaritans. In return he received a small token gift as did Valerie Hamilton for her role as chief organiser.

Many congratulations to our Master. It was a thoroughly professional, smooth running and enjoyable occasion. Our heartfelt thanks to him and his super support team.

What a wonderful way to start the New Year. If you were not there you missed a very special treat. If you were there you can but glow in the memories, add your own pluses and tell family, friends and other Ward colleagues about it all and think who you might invite to join you next year.

Alan Wiltshire

Past Master

“In addition to the photos set out below, further pictures of the Civic Luncheon can be viewed at


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