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Annual General Meeting of the Aldersgate Ward club

27th October 2020 

                           Annual General Meeting of the Aldersgate Ward Club on Tuesday 27th October 2020


The Annual General Meeting of the Aldersgate Ward Club was this year a virtual meeting hosted online by the Hon Treasurer Andrew Hamilton. Due to the resurgence of Covid 19 and the Government's current regulations we were unable to hold our normal meeting and supper at the Guildhall Members' Room. Subsequently fifty members of the Club were able to join the meeting from the safety and comfort of their own homes. This had the added advantage of enabling members who live far from London to join the meeting.


Following the approval of the minutes of the meeting held at the Guildhall on 5th Nov 2019 the Master Ian Kelly gave a short report for his year which was severely disrupted by Covid 19. Of the four events which did take place all were well received by Members. These were: The Dickensian Carol Service at St Bartholomew the Great, a splendid Civic Lunch at which Sheriff Christopher Hayward CC and his wife Alexandra were the Guests of Honour,  a visit to Kew Gardens with a guided tour followed by tea at the Maids of Honour and finally a visit to the lovely Wren church of St Martin Ludgate and Stationer's Hall preceded by lunch at Cote Brasserie on Ludgate Hill. Due to the concerns of many Londoners who were being encouraged to work from home, members enjoyed lunch in splendid isolation!


The Hon Treasurer presented the accounts which were approved and also informed members that this year there would be a annual subscription holiday as the normal year of Club activities had been so severely interrupted. 


Officers for the year were proposed and agreed by members being:

Master Miss Rachelle Goldberg, Senior Warden Allan Fallshaw and Junior Warden Roy Sully. The Committee members proposed and agreed are: Lionel Green, Judith Long, Phillipa White, Dave Brennan, David Kirkby, Joanna Cadman and Lt Col Leslie Clarke. Oliver Charles was co-opted to the committee. 


The incoming Master thanked Past Master Ian Kelly for his interesting programme which she regretted had been disrupted. The Master then presented her programme which is still provisional due to the current pandemic but will include a visit to Highgate Cemetery, an online Carol Service, the Civic Lunch  but at a later stage in the year than is usual,  a visit to Goldsmiths Hall, the Royal Opera House, Beating the Bounds, visit to Harrow School with Afternoon Tea, a Tour of Syon House, and a visit to the refurbished Museum at the Royal College of Music. The Master completed the meeting with items of any other business which included thanks from the floor to the Immediate Past Master for his events.


Past Master Jan Yerbury


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